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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Community Health Improvement Planning

Florida Department of Health in Sumter County

The MAPP acronym stands for Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships. MAPP is a community strategic planning tool for improving public health. It helps communities prioritize public health issues, identify resources for addressing them, and take action.

The MAPP process uses a series of assessments that analyze available health data, review the current level of public health services, and evaluate the concerns of the people living and working in the community, as well as considering other forces that may impact public health improvement planning. To begin the MAPP process DOH-Sumter invited partners in the community to become part of a public health planning committee.

If you are interested in joining the Sumter County MAPP Steering Committee as a community member or a representative of an organization, we would love to have you! Please reach out by contacting us at

Community partners (updated April 2024):

Florida Department of Health in Sumter County
Alzheimer's Association
AmeriCorps Educational Programs
Be Free Lake
CareerSource Central Florida
Citrus Cardiology Consultants
City of Bushnell
City of Center Hill
City of Coleman
Coleman Federal Correctional Center
Coping With Dementia
Dangers of Tobacco
Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
E3 Family Solutions, Inc
Early Learning Coalition
First Assembly of God
Florida Department of Children and Families
Healthy Start
Hobby Horse Day Care
Kids Central, Inc
Lake-Sumter State College
Langley Health Services
LifeStream Behavioral Health
Mid Florida Homeless Coalition
Parsons Circle Community Outreach
American Red Cross
Salvation Army
Select Specialty Hospital
Splendidly Made LLC
Sumter CAP Coalition
Sumter County Board of County Commissioners
Sumter County Clerk's Office
Sumter County Emergency Management
Sumter County School District
Sumter County Sheriff's Office
Suwannee River Area Health Education Center
The Haven of Lake & Sumter Counties
The Villages Charter School System
The Villages Health
The Villages Public Safety
UF Health
UF Health Central Florida
UF Health The Villages Hospital
UF IFAS Extension Office
Wildwood City Government
Wildwood Police Department
Young Artists
Sumter County Resident(s)


In April and May of 2011, the Florida Department of Health in Sumter County (DOH-Sumter) conducted a review of Sumter's local public health system using the National Public Health Performance Standards Program performance assessment instrument. This evaluation was done with the assistance of local government, school board, Department of Children and Families, Thomas Langley Medical Center, and others.

The review identified the need for a Sumter County public health planning committee, a current public health needs assessment, and the creation of a county wide public health improvement plan. To address these concerns the DOH-Sumter chose a public health planning tool called MAPP.

MAPP 2.0

In comparison to the original framework, MAPP 2.0 is streamlined from six to three phases and from four to three new and revised assessment tools. MAPP 2.0 was utilized for the 2023-2028 Community Health Needs Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan.